Bond Type | Bond Amount |
No data |
Charges | Court Date | Court |
1, 2, 3 | 9/30/2024 9:00 AM | Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court |
1, 2, 3 | 10/29/2024 9:10 AM | Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court |
1, 2, 3 | 11/25/2024 10:30 AM | Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court |
1, 2, 3 | 12/16/2024 1:00 PM | Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court |
1, 2, 3 | 2/7/2025 2:30 PM | Arlington County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court |
Number | Charge Description | Offense Date | Docket Number | Sentence Date | Disposition | Disposition Date | Sentence Length | Arresting Agency |
3 | BURGLARY: W/ INTENT TO COMMIT MURDER/RAPE/ROBBERY/ARSON | 8/2/2023 1:00 AM | JA030219-01-00 | |||||
2 | RAPE | 8/2/2023 1:00 AM | JA030219-02-00 | |||||
1 | AGGRAVATED SEXUAL BATTERY | 8/2/2023 1:00 AM | JA030219-03-00 |